Y o u r L i f e A n d D r e a m s R O Y M A T H E W S

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Success is easy... when you...........

Success is easy...
when you're programmed for success. It all gets easier when your mind and subconscious mind
are programmed to create more and more success.
When you look at some of the most successful people you'll find that they've programmed themselves for success.
They've got their mind and subconscious mind focused on success. They only see success, even when they experience failure, they just focus on what ever success they have.
They turn negative situations into positive situations. They'll even find something positive in each failure.
It's that kind of optimistic and positive attitude that allows them to succeed.
So just how did they develop that kind of attitude?

They trained their mind and directed their subconscious mind to focus on the success and not the failure.
They've conditioned themselves to learn from mistakes that lead to failure, improve and push forward.
you are meant to succeed, in fact you're born to succeed.

But in order to succeed and appreciate your success there will be failures. That's okay. Just don't dwell on them.
Learn from them and move forward.
Focus on any small success so you create more success energy.

Success energy attracts more success energy.

That same success energy brings you the people that will help you create more success. You end up creating a positive cycle that allows you to have success after success.

When you focus on the failures you create a failure energy. When you have failure energy you attract more failures and you surround yourself with people who will only help you fail or constantly point out your failures and shortfalls.

Create success energy by focusing on the success. Direct your mind and subconscious mind to concentrate on the success and learn from past mistakes or failures.

Here's a quote from a great athlete that really drives home my point:

"I have missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game's winning shot... and missed.
And I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And this is why...I succeed."

Who is this person?
MICHAEL JORDAN - perhaps the greatest basketball player of our time. He won 6 championships.
Played in 14 All star Games and holds numerous titles and records, too many to list here.

He learns from his mistakes, focuses on the success, and keeps his mind focused on doing his best.

Successful people focus on their success and develop a positive, healthy attitude. No setback is great enough to stop them.

Thomas Edison failed over 1,000 times before he finally found the right combination of elements
to make a light bulb work.

He learned from his failures. He used his failures as a benchmark, and avoided repeating them.
He improved on his failures. And HE NEVER GAVE UP!

Too many people give up just when their on the verge of success.

Because that's what you're used to doing. That's what your mind and subconscious mind are used to doing.
That's your method of living, when things gets tough, you give up and later try to start again.
Always hoping that success will come but youmake the same mistakes because your subconscious

is programmed for failure.

It doesn't have to be that way.
Program yourself for success.
Re-program your mind and subconscious mind so that you are tuned to success.
Every setback or failure contains an opportunity for you to learn, improve and grow.

Nobody ever taught you how to think and succeed. Nobody ever taught you how to instruct the awesome power of your subconscious mind.
Now there is a way.
Now........... you can create the success you want.
You can turn failure into success.

You can live your dreams.
You can attract success.
You can manifest abundance.
You are a powerful human being

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