Y o u r L i f e A n d D r e a m s R O Y M A T H E W S

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

From our imagination, visions and plans arise.

Have you ever dreamed that a part of your life could be

different, and then replay the same story again and again?

As adults, we all play "movies" in our heads, day after day,

relentlessly focusing on past events, often replaying the

unpleasant experiences through with different ending to make us

feel better.

Each day, millions of people dream of a better life, a

different life, and see themselves differently....and then go

back to dull, boring and grey with nothing more than a shoulder

shrug and an "If only......."

But, to stop there is the greatest tragedy of life.

An image in our minds is the first stage of the creative

process for change.

From our imagination, visions and plans arise.

In his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill

wrote "... imagination is the most marvellous, miraculous,

inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known."

Our incredibly powerful mind has the power, with little effort,

to uncap the unlimited potential to improve the quality of life,

not just for ourselves, but for human kind.

The individuals who were responsible for the conception and

creation of everything from medical cures, to life changing

technology, to the simplest toy that make a child smile, all had

a highly developed imagination.

They saw how life could be and were not prepared to accept "If

only.." as an option. Reality started as a seed in their

imagination. They were unswayed, no matter what anyone else

said, in fact, they became stronger and more committed as a

result of anybody doubting their reality.

These pioneers used their mental faculties to fantasise, to

build wild and wonderful pictures in their mind. Then, holding

their thought with their will, they watched their fantasy unfold

into a theory and then into fact. They seemed to have an innate

awareness that if they could visualize it, they could do it.

Use this power to let your mind play. Fantasise a much better

life. Draft a better future with imagination, ponder and

calculate with intelligence and awareness, then knit it with

care. Next, devise the paths and find tools to get there.

Commit to reach new goals. The only barrier separating us from

our goals is ignorance - ignorance of how simple, and simply

powerful, your mind really is.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The secret of absolute Abundance....

The difference between the rich and the poor is not

in how much money they have, but in the way they talk,

the way they act and the way they think. The way you

think is what you create in your inner world. The way

you talk and act is what you express in your outer

world. If you want to be fully wealthy, you must be

fully congruent in your thoughts, speech and actions.

Half congruence results in half wealth. Poor people

communicate lack in every way while rich people

communicate abundance in every way...

The elements in your environment affect your

consciousness. Everything that you see around you

will subconsciously impress upon you the idea of

poverty or wealth. The more broken and dilapidated

stuff you hold without replacing, the more you will

feel lack. When you keep signs of abundance in your

environment, your subconscious mind will be constantly

impressed with the idea of supply and abundance. By

causing yourself to feel abundance, you will perpetuate

the conditions of abundance in your reality...

The subconscious impression of abundance creates

conditions of abundance. Seeing abundance in one area

creates a mental shift and allows you to start seeing

and feeling more abundance in your life. Whatever area

in your life you have right now that makes you feel

rich and powerful, create more of that. Use that area

to affect other areas. The key is to get more references

of abundance for you to be conscious of so as to impress

upon your subconscious mind as much as possible the

reality of abundance...

Your actions either create subconscious impressions of

wealth or poverty. By choosing to buy the best and quality

products for yourself, you are saying that you are worth

it, that you are the best. Your subconscious mind will

pick up these impressions from your actions and create

conditions in your life that resonate with that state of

mind. To manifest wealth, you must begin with living as

though you are already wealthy. It doesn’t mean you

overspend, but you simply spend in a way that makes you

truly happy...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Imagination creates reality

Many times We have heard someone say: "I believe that imagining creates reality, but I once imagined something and it never came to pass."

'I once imagined it' and not imagining it now?'

The law, to be effective, needs feeling with form. Build a structure that would imply your desire is already fulfilled, and enter its form with feeling. You do not have to be concerned about influencing others, as they are not the cause - your imaginal act is! Those who have a billion dollars are not causing your world. You and you alone are doing it, as your imaginal acts influence people. Everyone is yourself pushed out, so when you imagine, you are influencing yourself!

Knowing what you want, place your attention on its clarity of form, and then watch what you are imagining. Are you remembering when you imagined something greater than what you have? If so, you are confessing you are not now imagining your desire fulfilled. If imagining creates reality, you must change your memory and become aware of what you are imagining right now.

When you enter the state you desire to express and believe it is true, no earthly power can stop it from objectifying itself. And although you do not deliberately influence others, you influence everyone. As Sir James Dean said: "A man on this planet cannot raise a hand without influencing the farthest star in the heavens in its unified form."

Practice the art of imagining, and you will discover you can go anywhere and enter any time without the aid of anyone. Move in your imagination, and people will respond because of your action. Dare to assume you are wealthy, and watch everyone play their parts to provide you with the wealth you claim to have. They will, for they are only yourself pushed out.

The world goes on and on, as the actors - playing their numberless parts - desire more and more things that vanish. Man is forever fighting for something that passes away; yet he is told: "Do not lay up treasures on earth where thieves can take and the moth corrupt, but lay up treasures in heaven where no man can take from you."

Test your imagination! Go all out and believe in what you have imagined. Do not try to influence anyone. Instead, put all of your energies into clarity of form.

Monday, April 16, 2012

What Abundance Means....????

Before you can manifest abundance you have to decide what abundance means.

You see saying you want abundance is like saying:

"I want a lot." A lot of what? How much is a lot?

Once you know what you want an abundance of, you have to decide how much is an abundance.
You have to get specific.

Otherwise you're confusing your subconscious and your inner powers.

You're not giving them the specific instructions they need. They can't create anything without a specific instruction.

You're just telling them that you want "a lot."

A lot of what?

You have to tell them what you want an abundance of and you have to get specific.

Now when it comes to abundance most people want an abundance of money.

If you want an abundance of money then focus on having an abundance of money.

Next decide what is an abundance of money. Decide just what abundance means.

Is it a 100,000, a million, 10 million, a billion? Decide on your overall goal.

Once you have a clear idea of what you want you begin directing your subconscious mind to create the kind of abundance you want.

There is an abundant supply of everything you want. Believe that you can have all that you want.

Don't just wish for it. Don't just dream of it.

Believe that you can and you will.

But how do you believe when you look around and you don't see abundance?

Right now you don't have the money you want. You don't have the freedom you want. You don't have the relationship you want. You may not have the health or energy you want.

You don't see abundance.
You just see more bills, and more struggle.

When you constantly think about what you don't have or what you're missing - you won't be able to attract abundance.

How can you when you're not thinking about abundance.

So the first step is to believe that there is an abundant supply of what ever it is you want.

There really is. Think about it.

Now try to picture having an abundance of what you want.

Once you accept that there is an abundant supply of what you want you can direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to bring you exactly what you want and more.

Decide to have an abundant supply. Get specific and choose what you want. Think about how much you want. Now direct your subconscious mind to bring you the abundance that you deserve .....

Get rid of the negative thoughts.

At first, when you think of having an abundance of what you want you'll get plenty of negative thoughts.

Your mind will tell you things like: It's not possible.
You know you can't do that. It will never happen.
You're just not capable of doing that. How can you manifest anything?
These are all negative and limiting thoughts.

They represent beliefs that destroy any hope or chance of getting what you want.
So you need to get rid of them. Replace them with positive thoughts.
Then you'll form positive beliefs.

When that happens your subconscious mind and your inner powers bring you what you want.
So start removing the negative thoughts today. Get rid of the doubts.
Think about having an abundance of what you want.

Believe that you can and you will succeed.
You can have what you want.
There is an abundant supply of what you want.
You just have to tap into this abundant supply.
And you do that by directing your subconscious mind and your inner powers.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

No one else can tell you .........

The book, The Way of the Pilgrim, impressed me as being not only a great book on spirituality, but also on successful living. 

It's the story of a young homeless man living in Russia in the 1860's who desires nothing more than to be close to God. One day while in church he hears the reading from the Bible that says in part to "Pray constantly".

This made a deep impression on him. He wonders what could be the meaning of this passage and how does one go about "praying constantly"?

He meet an old priest who tells him the answer. The answer was simple, easy and seemed to work quickly. He was to repeat a phrase, which was in the form of a prayer, constantly to himself and out loud at every opportunity. He recorded the entire events that transpired while he was learning to pray this way and the events after he mastered the method in the book. What he recorded was, if nothing else, interesting and amazing.

In the book, The Secret of Perfect Living, parapsychologist, James T. Mangan describes how he discovered that if a person constantly repeats a certain word constantly, with belief and emotion, you could bring the object of your desire into reality.

He calls these "switchwords" because he says, they are like flipping on a switch to bring these into reality! [ read: The Magic Power of Switchwords]

Now, if you're skeptical let me say this:

The key to why the switch words works is because it focused your mind on what you want so intensely that it force you to come up with an innovative idea. It really work like nothing else you have ever tried.

And even if you don't believe my explanation why it work, it will still work for you! That's the great thing – you don't even have to believe it will work!
If you are to change your mind to be more successful in any area of your life it has to come from WITHIN YOU in the form of Inner-Motivators.

You must generate that FIRE from within to change... you need to be drawn towards something... and it can only come from you.

No one else can tell you what to do with your life – only you can decide and it has to come from within you.

Do you have a vision for your life? Do you have an image or movie playing in your mind that gives you a glimpse of your future?

you need to be "drawn to something" in your life. That magnet is the vision you have of yourself in the future. If you don't have a vision yet for your future the exercises in this Session are going to help you find it.

Constantly repeating "Switch words" out loud and silently to yourself set in motion a series of thoughts and ideas that came from INSIDE you that You never knew existed. You get  focused. Youi got a vision of what You want and got the idea of exactly how to implement it.

It makes a tremendous difference in your life!!!!

Why? Because it's just like turning on the engine in a car – you don't need to see or understand the miracle of automotive engineering or know how it works in order to drive it! You just put the key in, turn it and start moving!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How do you feel about yourself right now?

"There are two ways of being rich. One is to have all you want, the

other is to be satisfied with what you have."

How easy is it for you to really feel satisfied? Look around you

right now and notice your surroundings. Do you like what you see or

do you see what you don't like?

How do you feel about yourself right now? Can you truly appreciate

yourself today, still knowing there may be aspects you would like

to improve?

The higher you live on the Levels of Awareness, the more likely you

are to feel satisfied. That's true because the more aware and

capable of making good choices you are, the less you are caught in

struggle. The higher on the Levels of Awareness you live, the

richer you are likely to feel, not only in terms of finances, but

also in terms of personal satisfaction.

Being satisfied is an inside job. No amount of money or material

good can give you the inner feeling of satisfaction. We are not

taught to be satisfied. We are taught and trained by the media to

want more.

Today don't chase satisfaction. Sit still for a moment and let it

bubble up from inside you, like an underground stream.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

your mind really is........

Have you ever dreamed that a part of your life could be different, and then replay the same story again and again?

As adults, we all play "movies" in our heads, day after day, relentlessly focusing on past events, often replaying the unpleasant experiences through with different ending to make us feel better.

Each day, millions of people dream of a better life, a different life, and see themselves differ-ently....and then go back to dull, boring and grey with nothing more than a shoulder shrug and an "If only......."

But, to stop there is the greatest tragedy of life.

An image in our minds is the first stage of the creative process for change.

From our imagination, visions and plans arise.

In his best-selling book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill wrote "... imagination is the most marvellous, miraculous, inconceivably powerful force the world has ever known."

Our incredibly powerful mind has the power, with little effort, to uncap the unlimited potential to improve the quality of life, not just for ourselves, but for human kind.

The individuals who were responsible for the conception and creation of everything from medical cures, to life changing technology, to the simplest toy that make a child smile, all had a highly developed imagination.

They saw how life could be and were not prepared to accept "If only.." as an option. Reality started as a seed in their imagination. They were unswayed, no matter what anyone else said, in fact, they became stronger and more committed as a result of anybody doubting their reality.

These pioneers used their mental faculties to fantasise, to build wild and wonderful pictures in their mind. Then, holding their thought with their will, they watched their fantasy unfold into a theory and then into fact. They seemed to have an innate awareness that if they could visualize it, they could do it.

Use this power to let your mind play. Fantasise a much better life. Draft a better future with imagination, ponder and calculate with intelligence and awareness, then knit it with care. Next, devise the paths and find tools to get there.

Commit to reach new goals. The only barrier separating us from our goals is ignorance - ignorance of how simple, and simply powerful, your mind really is.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A thought

There is a thought in your mind right now. The longer you hold on to it, the more you dwell upon it, the more life you give to that thought. Give it enough life, and it will become real. So make sure the thought is indeed a great one.

Make sure that the thought is positive and creative. Make it a thought that enriches the world. Make it a thought that soars to heights never before reached. Make it a thought filled with love and with joy.

You can think whatever you choose. So choose the thoughts that will truly make a positive difference for you and for those around you. Right now you are giving the energy of your life to a thought, energy that will make that thought into something real. Keep the very best thoughts in mind, and your life will faithfully express them.


A man found a cocoon of a butterfly.

One day a small opening appeared.

He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours

as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole.

Then it stopped, as if it couldn't go further.

So the man decided to help the butterfly.

He took a pair of scissors and

snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon.

The butterfly emerged easily but

it had a swollen body and shriveled wings.

The man continued to watch it,

expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge

and expand enough to support the body,

Neither happened!

In fact the butterfly spent the rest of its life

crawling around.

It was never able to fly.

What the man in his kindness

and haste did not understand:

The restricting cocoon and the struggle

required by the butterfly to get through the opening

was a way of forcing the fluid from the body

into the wings so that it would be ready

for flight once that was achieved.

Sometimes struggles are exactly

what we need in our lives.

Going through life with no obstacles would cripple us.

We will not be as strong as we could have been

and we would never fly.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Life is in many ways......

Life is in many ways unpredictable, and that can be one of its greatest blessings. Imagine how tedious and monotonous life would be if it were completely predictable. The surprises in life keep us from becoming too complacent. Life’s unpredictable side continually presents us with new possibilities and new opportunities for growth.

If you knew exactly what was going to happen today, and tomorrow, and the next day and the next, it would soon grow quite tiresome. Thankfully, life is new and different from day to day, from moment to moment.

Yes, some of those unpredictable surprises will be unpleasant. Some of them will present great difficulties and challenges. Sometimes it can be tempting to wish that things would always stay the same. Yet such a life would offer few, if any, possibilities for joy and fulfillment.

Think not of how difficult it is to adapt to the new, the unpredictable, the changing conditions which are indeed a fact of life. Think instead of how truly blessed you are to be able to adapt, to learn, to grow, and to experience the newness and uniqueness of each and every day.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

It Works...

It creates more wealth. More Success More Joy, Better health. More Inner Peace. More Confidence.
It's Positive Thinking.
And it's something you have to practice everyday.

You can't think positive once in a while.
You can't wait until things go wrong to apply positive thinking.
It won't work as quickly as you want.
It may not even work at all.

That's because you first have to change the thought process that led to the situation you're in.
And you can.
It's actually pretty easy.
It just requires a little discipline.
Positive thinking will change your life.

Positive thinking means filling your mind with positive thoughts.
You have to carry a positive attitude.
You have to speak positive words.
You have to remain optimistic even when things don't work out.
You have to appreciate your life.
You have to remain optimistic.

To get results with positive thinking you have to apply it everyday.
But you've got a mind filled with negative thoughts.
You think about how things don't work out for you.
You have doubts.
You're not appreciating your life.
You complain and think about what's wrong.

You magnify mistakes.
You get pessimistic.
And so you continue to struggle and can't get ahead.

If you're not getting what you want then you're more negative than positive.
That needs to change.

And you have to develop a positive thinking pattern.
Push yourself to find positive situations everyday.

Say positive things.
Stop complaining.
Be optimistic.

Get rid of the negative thinking And get rid of the limiting thoughts and beliefs.
You have to do this everyday.

That's because everyday you're sending instructions to your subconscious mind and inner powers.
Those instructions are your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and conversations.

When your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and instructions are positive your subconscious mind and
inner powers create positive situations.

With the right kind of positive thinking you'll have more success.
More wealth.
More happiness.
Better health.
And you'll enjoy life.

Develop positive thinking so that it works.

Practice positive thinking so you get results.
Change the way you think and see things
Everyday do a mental checkup.

Think about what you want to achieve or have.
Then track your thoughts.

Replace the negative thoughts.
Track your conversations.
Instead of saying something negative say something positive.

Track your attitude - you might be surprised at what you find.
If you have a doom and gloom or negative attitude you need to change that.

You need to develop a positive attitude and this means changing the way you see things.

Focus on the positive.
Force yourself to think about the positive in every situation, especially those that don't work out.

By being positive and by thinking positive you give your subconscious and your inner powers a new direction.
You push them to bring you positive outcomes everyday.
You get your subconscious and inner powers to bring you what you want.

It all starts with you!!!

There's no reason to struggle.

You can enjoy success.
You can live the life you want.
You can have that great relationship, that better job, a better business...

You can live in the home you always wanted and you can be the confident person who succeeds all the time - start today !!!

"My life is like a fire."

"Now I a fourfold vision see,

And a fourfold vision is given to me:
'Tis fourfold in my supreme delight
And threefold in soft Beulah's night
And twofold always, may God us keep
From single vision and Newton's sleep!"

Fourfold vision is to single vision as ordinary sight is to blindness. We all experience single and threefold vision. It's twofold and fourfold vision that one must consciously work to achieve.

A hardheaded, common-sensed, rational man sees with his single vision. To him, a man is a man, a tree is a tree, a rose is a rose, and a dog is a dog. The idea that imagination could create reality would be sheer nonsense to him, and he would think you mad if you tried to tell him so. Being rational, the single-vision man lives in a world where things are what they seem to be. In that world everything can be weighed and measured, a minute is sixty seconds, and a pound is sixteen ounces - no more or no less.

Twofold vision occurs when everything is seen as an image. I have stood before a fireplace and enjoyed its warmth and light. I have watched the flames leap up and subside, fall into embers, then turn into ash and - to all appearances - vanish. And I have said to myself: "My life is like a fire." At that moment I achieved a simile. I didn't stop there, however, but said: "Life is fire. My life is fire." Having achieved a metaphor, I dropped the "is" and said to myself, "Life and fire are similar. I will never again see one and not see the other, or feel one and not imagine the other." At that moment I had achieved a symbol, a poetic image. Fire is now an image which reminds me of life.

"All things transient are but images." Is there anything here that is not transient? I have a friend who recently discovered two love birds had nested near his window, with three eggs in their nest. My friend now has fourteen days of waiting for them to hatch out. They will come forth, much to his pleasure, wax, wane, and then vanish. They, like all things transient, are but symbols; and if you will but turn the object seen into its symbol, twofold vision will be yours.

Threefold vision is yours when the images begin to dream, to have love affairs, marry, and beget. Your dreams of the day and night are threefold vision.
Your moods are your dreams in daylight, forming a threefold vision. Capture a mood which would imply the fulfillment of your desire, then become so intense in that threefold vision that you enter your fulfilled desire, and you will move into fourfold vision.

Now, this world has become the stream of reality. Knowing this, start to assemble images in your mind that, if true, would imply the fulfillment of your desire. Let the images play together, interweave, fall in love, and reach fulfillment.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Transforming Anger into Willpower!

Anger is energy. It is a feeling that is a part of our emotional life. Anger can become your greatest enemy debilitating your health and producing negativity. When anger is understood and transformed it can become your greatest ally toward healing and finding personal peace.

Anger is one of the most misunderstood and commonly repressed emotions. When you understand the true nature of anger, you can begin to harness a lost power of your will. Will power is the key to create permanent and positive changes in your life. It all hinges upon how you relate to your emotions. Before we explore transforming anger it is important to clarify "positive" and "negative" emotions.

Emotions are a feedback system offering guidance in our daily lives. They inform us of what we need to do in order to feel secure and peaceful. In childhood we learned to judge our emotions and placed them into two categories, positive (good) or negative (bad) emotions. We labeled any feelings that are constrictive such as fear, guilt, and loneliness as negative and bad. The expansive emotions like love, joy, and happiness were identified as positive (good). The challenge for you is to redefine your relationship with all your emotions and change the way you relate to them. Here is how to do that.

You’ll experience an empowered relationship with your emotions when you redefine them. Negative emotions are any emotion (love or fear) that you ignore, deny, and repress. Regardless of their names, all emotion becomes negative when you refuse to feel and express them.

Eventually, all repressed emotion explodes into a rage, either inward or outward rage. It is the repression of emotion that causes its destructiveness, not the emotion itself. Likewise, love that is repressed can be just as destructive as anger. Emotions are energy that needs to be felt and expressed respectfully.

Positive emotions are any emotion that you honor (own), feel, express and release, appropriately. When you respect your anger as much as your love, you will have matured your emotional intelligence and begin to take dominion over your life.

We’ve been brain-washed from childhood to judge anger as a bad emotion. Like all emotions, anger is meant to be felt, expressed and released... appropriately. Repressed anger always has negative impact in our lives. Addictions, worry, self-doubt, and powerlessness increase when anger is repressed. When anger is released these negative experiences will decrease rapidly. Also, within all anger there is a hidden resource of willpower. The energy needed to end procrastination and take charge of your life, can be found d when you tap into and release your anger.

How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Anger.

It is important to recognize the value of both your constricting and expanding emotions. The purpose of anger is to offer you feedback. Anger is a messenger communicating to you that change is needed. For instance, if you feel angry with a person then something about that relationship needs to change. Perhaps you are not being respected or understood. Pretending you are not angry only compounds the negativity.

Being honest with yourself is the key to harnessing the power of your emotional nature. When you let go of your judgment and honestly feel your constricting emotions you'll quickly express and release them. Then, the energy trapped inside can become a constructive force in your life.

Four Steps to Transform Repressed Anger into Willpower:

The 1st Step: Take responsibility for your anger (own it) and begin to feel it. This allows you to connect with it and begin transforming it into a positive experience. By realizing this simple truth you can begin to lift anger out of its destructive and repressed state.

The 2nd Step: Express your anger in writing. Take some paper and write at the top of the page, "Me and My Anger". Write the first thing that comes to your mind about anger. Write in a free association style. Don't worry about grammar, sentence structure or spelling. Express your anger by writing down your thoughts and feelings.

For example you might start to write: "This exercise is stupid. I don't believe I'm doing this! Trying to write down my anger is so frustrating... I feel stuck, like I'm back in fourth grade... blah, blah, blah."

Let the thoughts and feelings roll out of you! Don't assess or judge your words. This may feel awkward at first, but soon it will start to flow out of you in a stream of consciousness. Before you know it, you’ll tap into the anger trapped inside your subconscious mind and release it.

After 20-45 minutes the constricting feelings will shift and lift to a peaceful feeling inside of you. When that happens destroy the paper, tear it up, burn it or flush it down the toilet. Next take a break and go do something you enjoy. Relax in a hot bath, go for a walk, enjoy your favorite movie, do something fun. This will help you lift beyond these feeling into a more expansive space. Give yourself at least 2 hours and up to 24 hours to relax before you move on to the third step.

The 3rd Step: Express your anger imaginatively. This is an important step to free your mind. It involves using your imagination to unhook the negativity from your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind does not know the difference between something you imagine and something that really happens.

For example: Have you ever sat in a movie theatre and watched scary images on the screen that caused you to tighten up with fear and become anxious? Logically, you knew you were safe because you were surrounded by a hundred other people. However, your subconscious mind didn't distinguish the images on the screen from what was really happening to you. This is how the body-mind connection works. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between what you imagine and what physically happens to you. Your subconscious mind reacts the same in both situations.

Guided Imagery Technique to Release Repressed Anger

Close your eyes and imagine the person that you are angry at standing before you. This person may have died long ago it might be a boss, a parent, someone who pissed you off. Tell them in your mind how angry and upset you are. If you need to act it out, then act it out- imaginatively! If you were so angry you could have kicked and spit on them, then in your imagination, kick and spit on them! Play it out. Now is your chance to vent the pent up energy from your subconscious mind! Don't hold back. The more vivid you imagine this with honest feelings, the more effective it will be.

Tip: If it is difficult for you to express old anger from your childhood then let your inner child express their feelings. Let the angry part of you, your child, adolescent or teenager express the feelings they had never released.

You may be worried that if you vent your anger in meditation, you’re somehow sending negative energy to the person. Remember, your intention is where energy flows. Your intention is to transform anger into a positive energy. Once your subconscious mind has vented your anger, you can easily forgive and let go. Let the angry part of you act out the feelings don't hold yourself back. Honor the angry part of you and it will set you free.

The 4th Step: Forgive whoever angered you. Forgive them and let them go. Again, you can do this in your imagination, simply imagine them in your mind and tell them, “I forgive you.” I am letting you go. You don’t have to talk to them physically but you can effectively forgive them in your mind, where it really matters. Forgiveness will come easily once the anger has cleared from your mind.

If you have difficulty forgiving them, then go back and see if there is more anger you still need to release. Once you have forgiven them and yourself (for attracting this negative experience) decide what positive energy you'd like to experience more of in your life. Do you desire greater self-determination, discipline, and creativity? Visualize how you want to feel and be. Imagine yourself back in the flow, empowered and feeling great with a renewed ability to be focused, productive and creative.

What Winners Do...

What Winners Do...

It would be easier to believe that successful people are just "born that way".

I remember hoping that was the case. I desperately wanted an excuse to explain why I was broker than broke. I wanted something to blame when things didn't go my way.

But that's not the answer ..........

Winners live in the same world as everyone else.

Winners have the same frustrations. Winner's have the same fears and doubts. And, most importantly - winners are trained - not born!!!!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Honey Bee

Look at Honey Bee. It works so hard flying from one flower to

another collecting honey. And then it also builds a nice bee

hive. It still continues to work hard and gets more honey.

And then a guy comes and breaks open the bee hive to get the

sweet honey. The bees after that also really does not think too

about it and then goes about building one more.

This is very similar to what happens in life. You cannot really

focus on all the wrong things in life especially the ones in the

future! You need to work hard to get results and expect the best.

Even if there are other challenges, just keep working more and

focus on your higher goals!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Although your dream may seem impossible, invite it into your consciousness by feeling it is real.Enter a mood and watch the thoughts that come to you while there. Dare to believe you have what reason and your senses deny. Persist in your assumption and it will harden into fact. Try it and see!

Monday, March 19, 2012

They're on their way.

They're on their way.

Every year I get better at controlling them.
And this time I'm keeping them out. They're weeds.

And with Spring here early I have to be prepared, take control of my lawn and get rid of the weeds
or they'll take over and destroy my yard.
Your mind and subconscious mind work the same way.
Your negative thoughts are like weeds. They get planted on your subconscious mind.
Then they spread quickly if you don't control them. Before you know it you feel hopeless and give up.

Your mind is always active. It's always thinking of something.
Most of the time it has useless thoughts. Often it will have negative thoughts.

If you don't take control of your mind and get rid of those negative thoughts, they'll spread like weeds.

Your mind is your garden. You have to take care of it and maintain it.

What's in your mind will be reflected in your life.

A mind filled with negative thoughts (weeds) leads to a negative or difficult life.
A mind that is positive and optimistic leads to a positive and successful life.

To enjoy a happier, more successful and rewarding life you need to manage and take care of what's in your mind. Because what's in your mind is picked up by your subconscious mind and your inner powers.
They pick up on your thoughts, beliefs and attitude.

Change your thoughts, beliefs and attitude to reflect what you want in life and your subconscious and inner powers will bring you what you want.

So remove those negative thoughts. Change your beliefs so that you believe that
you can and will succeed. Don't neglect your mind.

Don't let those negative thoughts spread.

Once they spread they become beliefs.

Once you have negative or limiting beliefs life gets more difficult. Things get worse and it gets harder for you to turn things around.

So start today.

Track your thoughts and get rid of those negative thoughts.

Create positive thoughts.

Plant positive beliefs on your mind and subconscious mind.

Get your inner powers to bring you more of what you want
Your subconscious and your inner powers create your life.

They follow your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes.

What ever you regularly think you eventually believe.

Constant negative thinking leads to strong negative beliefs.

You then doubt yourself.

You lose confidence.

You don't think you can succeed.

You make the wrong choices.

You give up but you have to continue.

And then it gets worse.

Because when your filled with negative thinking and negative

beliefs, your subconscious mind and your inner powers

create more negative situations.

Before you know it you're creating more and more of what

you don't want.

And that's why life continues to get worse.

Then you believe that things will never get better

and so life gets even more difficult.

You want things to change but you can't turn things around.

So think about what you want.

Track your thoughts.

Monitor your beliefs.

Get rid of the negative thoughts.

Plant positive thoughts.

Your subconscious mind and your inner powers are always at work.

They're always creating and shaping your life.

They simply respond to your thoughts and beliefs.

Make sure you give them the right directions.

Give them positive thoughts and positive beliefs and

you'll enjoy a happier, more successful and rewarding life.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Can you give me one good reason not to quit?"

One day I decided to quit... I quit my job, my relationship, my spirituality... I wanted to quit my life.

I went to the woods to have one last talk with God.

"God", I said. "Can you give me one good reason not to quit?" His answer surprised me...

"Look around", He said.. "Do you see the fern and the bamboo?" "Yes", I replied.

When I planted the fern and the bamboo seeds, I took very good care of them. I gave them light. I gave them water. The fern quickly grew from the earth. Its brilliant green covered the floor. Yet nothing came from the bamboo seed.

But I did not quit on the bamboo. In the second year the Fern grew more vibrant and plentiful.

And again, nothing came from the bamboo seed. But I did not quit on the bamboo. He said.

"In the third year, there was still nothing from the bamboo seed. But I would not quit. In the fourth year, again, there was nothing from the bamboo seed. "I would not quit.." He said. "Then in the fifth year a tiny sprout emerged from the earth.

Compared to the fern it was seemingly small and insignificant... But just 6 months later the bamboo rose to over 100 feet tall.

It had spent the five years growing roots.

Those roots made it strong and gave it what it needed to survive. I would not give any of my creations a challenge it could not handle."

He said to me. "Did you know, my child, that all this time you have been struggling, you have actually been growing roots."

"I would not quit on the bamboo. I will never quit on you. " Don't compare yourself to others .." He said. " The bamboo had a different purpose than the fern ... Yet, they both make the forest beautiful."

Your time will come, " God said to me. " You will rise high! " How high should I rise?" I asked.

How high will the bamboo rise?" He asked in return. "As high as it can? " I questioned.

" Yes. " He said, "Give me glory by rising as high as you can. "

I hope these words can help you see that God will never give up on you. He will never give up on you. Never regret a day in your life.

Good days give you happiness

Bad days give you experiences;

Both are essential to life.

A happy and meaningful life requires our continuous input and creativity. It does not happen by chance. It happens because of our choices and actions. And each day we are given new opportunities to choose and act and, in doing so, we create our own unique journey." Keep going...

Happiness keeps you Sweet, Trials keep you Strong, Sorrows keep you Human, Failures keep you humble , Success keeps You Glowing, but Only almighty keeps You Going!



Trust is a generating energy and puts the power of your mind towards positive outcomes.

I’m not talking about naivety or trusting where it’s inappropriate, however.

Trust in yourself.

Trust in the love the universe has for you.

Trust in the power of your heart’s desires and your intentions.

Trust in your love, goodness and capabilities.

Trust in your power as a creator.

Trust in the positive outcome of your goal.
Trust in the healing power of love.

Trust that you are on a co-creative journey, that there is a bigger picture, and that there is love, help and guidance available to you in every moment.

Trust that the universe wants you to have what you desire as much as you do.

Trust that you are loved more than you know, more than you will ever know!

Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. You can have what you desire with belief, intention, positive expectation, and a willingness to receive.

Trust brings with it a greater sense of ease, faith and confidence, and lessens your desire to control or have things be a certain way, allowing life to manifest in a way that most serves you.

If there is an area of your life you are fearful or doubtful around, lean into trust, get a sense of it, embrace it, let it embrace and carry you.

You deserve the best, ever and always, whether you realise that or not. The universe wants the best for you in every moment. You are the only one who can stand in your way.

Be kind and loving to yourself, and let the winds of trust take you to beautiful realities and desired outcomes.

Trust the turning of the tide. Have faith and hope in your heart. Hold bright visions of the future you desire to create, make positive choices for yourself and commit to those through action.

Release your dreams and visions into the world. Trust, believe, open to receive and expect their materialization in your world in the highest and best way for you!

Trust in the flow, it only ever wants the best for you you know

Saturday, March 17, 2012

YOU are the magic!

Abundance isn’t something you ‘get’, it’s something you allow, open to & receive.”

You are the SOURCE of your abundance.

You are the creator of your reality, you are one the one that shapes and dictates energy into form, into physical manifestation, through your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes, choices, decisions, and imagination.

YOU are the magic!

Reality is made of energy. Money is energy. Everything is energy.

You start to get a sense of just how abundant you truly are.

You really CAN, and certainly do deserve to live an abundant life.

The limits really are only those within your mind, for it is your mind, rather like the film and projector, that manifests reality (the screen), however real, solid and separate from you that reality may seem to be.

To live abundantly it is key to understand that YOU are the SOURCE.

And that there already is total abundance, more abundance than you could ever fathom!

When you are in the energy of abundance, however, you receive with ease. You also allow yourself to let go, knowing that your cup with always be refilled. You experience a wonderful in-and-out flow of energies.

You live in a limitless, infinitely abundant universe. The more you realise that, the more you will allow yourself to receive and create through intending, desiring and dreaming, through asking, believing, imagining and receiving.

Gratitude is a generating energy and attracts more of ANYTHING in general, as well as more of that which you feel grateful for specifically.

When you feel grateful for all that you love in your life, and that which brings you joy – past or present – you naturally attract more of the same!

Gratitude always leads to positive outcomes, is ever available, and will not only uplift you and others, but will open you to more of all that your heart desires in magical ways.

Love lights the way to the abundant pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Be aware of what you truly love and enjoy and invite more of it into your life, whether it’s career related or not – perhaps it’s a creative hobby, passion or interest, for example. Let it ignite your passion and raise your energy, which in itself will attract more success and abundance into your life.

Listen to your heart and let its joy and pleasure guide you on the path to dreams-come-true, to an abundant and rich life in all ways.

Choose positive beliefs around abundance and any area you feel limited in, and positive beliefs about yourself too for matter.

Your beliefs are the filters through which you create your reality. They are not the truth, merely perceptions of the truth, often hidden agreements about the way things are that you can CHANGE and change your reality as a result.

Let it go?

The concept seems so simple – just let it go and trust the Universe – right?

Sure, simple in concept – but then our emotions kick in and the idea of 'letting it go' gets thrown out the window.

Why do we struggle to 'Let it go'?

The plain and simple answer is that even though we want to trust the Universe, we feel much more likely to achieve what we desire if we stay in the driver seat. It is human instinct to clutch and hold and control. When we operate from the conscious mind we operate from the knowledge of 'What is true' in our physical world. BUT – you already know that the conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg and 'What is true' in our physical world is ONLY what SEEMS to be true.

Ask yourself "What if my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire, even if my conscious mind has no idea how?"

Seriously, what if that is true?

"If it is true that my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire – am I free to let go how it is going to happen?"

if you knew that your subconscious and Universe had it all taken care of, you would have no problem letting go – you would willingly surrender because you would KNOW that you were going to be taken care of.

Now, what if this is true?

What if you realized that, every time you stop trusting, and start trying to figure out 'how' and control the outcome – you actually set your subconscious mind back in its job of manifesting everything you desire? Would you get out of the way then?

Of course you would! If you knew this with certainty, you would make it your job to get out of the way of your subconscious.

Your subconscious mind DOES know exactly how to bring you everything you desire. Your subconscious mind knows how to access Universal energy and manifest anything. Anytime you 'hold on', 'force it' or 'try to figure out how' – you get in the way of the process.

There are 2 great ways to tap into your history for this –

Think of a time in your life when you wanted something and did let go how it was going to happen (this often happens when we are too busy or are too focused on something else) – and then it showed up in your life without you ever trying to 'make it happen'.

Think of a time in your life when you REALLY wanted (or felt you needed) something and you tried to do everything to make it happen and then finally out of fatigue or frustration you just 'gave up trying' – and then it showed up in your life.

Once you have given yourself some proof from your past – letting go becomes easier and makes much more sense to your rational mind.
Any time you find yourself trying to figure out how you can 'make' something happen – stop and say this to your subconscious mind…

"Subconscious, I know you know EXACTLY how to bring me all of the right people, opportunities and situations to bring about [NAME YOUR DESIRE HERE] or better in my life – and I know that my job is to pay attention to the people and opportunities and situations that show up and listen to your guidance so that the inspired action I can take to assist you becomes clear."

Try it – you will be amazed at all of the amazing things that start to show up in your life!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Never give up

Never give up on your goals.

Believe in yourself and believe that you can and will succeed.

Keep pushing forward.

Keep doing different things to achieve your goals.

You're on the verge of success.
You're about to achieve your goals.

That's why you can't give up.

If you give up nothing changes. ...You end up with guaranteed failure when you give up.

Succeeding isn't about doing the same thing over and over again and hoping for a different result.
That's insanity. ............Keep doing what you can to achieve your goals.

Stay focused. Dismiss distractions. Overcome barriers.
Don't let setbacks stop you. Don't let distractions throw you off course.
Keep your mind and subconscious mind focused on what you want to achieve.

Your mind will try to convince you to give up. It's only because your mind is used to having things a certain way and is comfortable with failure.

But failure isn't good enough. .......Success can be scary, it's not in your comfort zone.
It's not what your mind is used to. ........Your mind can't relate to it, so it tries to keep you in the zone that it knows, which is failure.

And so you give up. You don't try a different option.
You refuse to keep an open mind. But really it's just your mind convincing you to give up.

Just so it can go back to what it knows best, what it's comfortable with, which is failure.

But you don't want failure. You want success.
So you have to push your mind in a different direction.
You have to direct your subconscious mind and your inner powers to create success.

And that means trying different things even when you feel like giving up.
Don't fall for the mind's little tricks.

Don't think you know everything (no one really knows everything). Be open to all possibilities.
Be willing to learn and try something new.

You're learning new things everyday so keep growing. ...If you want to be successful, if you want to achieve
your goals, then you have to try doing something different so that you get a different result.

You have to go beyond your comfort zone, consider all options, be willing to learn something new, stay open minded and don't assume you know everything.

You no longer allow yourself to give up before even getting started.

You instruct your subconscious mind and inner powers to bring you success.

You're telling them that you're ready for success. That you're willing to learn, grow and experience new things. You're giving your subconscious mind new instructions, so that it drives you to succeed.

You can achieve your goals.. Try a different approach. Be willing to learn something new.
Search for new solutions. Stay persistent and change your approach.
Create beliefs that help you succeed.

To succeed you have to believe that you can achieve your goal.
Your subconscious mind picks up on your beliefs and creates your reality based on what you believe.
So if you are persistent and believe that you have tried everything and can't succeed then your subconscious is not going to direct you to new solutions.
It will only guide you to situations that will lead to more failure, after all, that's what you believe.

What can you do?

Change your beliefs

To change your beliefs first change your thoughts. Track your current thoughts and change those that don't work for you.

If you don't believe there is a way, change that belief, and regularly tell yourself that there is a way.
Then begin looking for a new way to achieve your goal.
Try a different approach.

Never Give up. If you give up nothing changes and you never achieve the success that you want.
Try a different approach. Keep an open mind.
Be willing to learn something new.
Don't believe that you know everything.
Don't believe that you have tried everything.
Focus on finding new solutions and stay persistent.