Y o u r L i f e A n d D r e a m s R O Y M A T H E W S

Saturday, April 14, 2012

No one else can tell you .........

The book, The Way of the Pilgrim, impressed me as being not only a great book on spirituality, but also on successful living. 

It's the story of a young homeless man living in Russia in the 1860's who desires nothing more than to be close to God. One day while in church he hears the reading from the Bible that says in part to "Pray constantly".

This made a deep impression on him. He wonders what could be the meaning of this passage and how does one go about "praying constantly"?

He meet an old priest who tells him the answer. The answer was simple, easy and seemed to work quickly. He was to repeat a phrase, which was in the form of a prayer, constantly to himself and out loud at every opportunity. He recorded the entire events that transpired while he was learning to pray this way and the events after he mastered the method in the book. What he recorded was, if nothing else, interesting and amazing.

In the book, The Secret of Perfect Living, parapsychologist, James T. Mangan describes how he discovered that if a person constantly repeats a certain word constantly, with belief and emotion, you could bring the object of your desire into reality.

He calls these "switchwords" because he says, they are like flipping on a switch to bring these into reality! [ read: The Magic Power of Switchwords]

Now, if you're skeptical let me say this:

The key to why the switch words works is because it focused your mind on what you want so intensely that it force you to come up with an innovative idea. It really work like nothing else you have ever tried.

And even if you don't believe my explanation why it work, it will still work for you! That's the great thing – you don't even have to believe it will work!
If you are to change your mind to be more successful in any area of your life it has to come from WITHIN YOU in the form of Inner-Motivators.

You must generate that FIRE from within to change... you need to be drawn towards something... and it can only come from you.

No one else can tell you what to do with your life – only you can decide and it has to come from within you.

Do you have a vision for your life? Do you have an image or movie playing in your mind that gives you a glimpse of your future?

you need to be "drawn to something" in your life. That magnet is the vision you have of yourself in the future. If you don't have a vision yet for your future the exercises in this Session are going to help you find it.

Constantly repeating "Switch words" out loud and silently to yourself set in motion a series of thoughts and ideas that came from INSIDE you that You never knew existed. You get  focused. Youi got a vision of what You want and got the idea of exactly how to implement it.

It makes a tremendous difference in your life!!!!

Why? Because it's just like turning on the engine in a car – you don't need to see or understand the miracle of automotive engineering or know how it works in order to drive it! You just put the key in, turn it and start moving!

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