Y o u r L i f e A n d D r e a m s R O Y M A T H E W S

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Let it go?

The concept seems so simple – just let it go and trust the Universe – right?

Sure, simple in concept – but then our emotions kick in and the idea of 'letting it go' gets thrown out the window.

Why do we struggle to 'Let it go'?

The plain and simple answer is that even though we want to trust the Universe, we feel much more likely to achieve what we desire if we stay in the driver seat. It is human instinct to clutch and hold and control. When we operate from the conscious mind we operate from the knowledge of 'What is true' in our physical world. BUT – you already know that the conscious mind is just the tip of the iceberg and 'What is true' in our physical world is ONLY what SEEMS to be true.

Ask yourself "What if my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire, even if my conscious mind has no idea how?"

Seriously, what if that is true?

"If it is true that my subconscious mind and the Universe know EXACTLY how to bring about anything I desire – am I free to let go how it is going to happen?"

if you knew that your subconscious and Universe had it all taken care of, you would have no problem letting go – you would willingly surrender because you would KNOW that you were going to be taken care of.

Now, what if this is true?

What if you realized that, every time you stop trusting, and start trying to figure out 'how' and control the outcome – you actually set your subconscious mind back in its job of manifesting everything you desire? Would you get out of the way then?

Of course you would! If you knew this with certainty, you would make it your job to get out of the way of your subconscious.

Your subconscious mind DOES know exactly how to bring you everything you desire. Your subconscious mind knows how to access Universal energy and manifest anything. Anytime you 'hold on', 'force it' or 'try to figure out how' – you get in the way of the process.

There are 2 great ways to tap into your history for this –

Think of a time in your life when you wanted something and did let go how it was going to happen (this often happens when we are too busy or are too focused on something else) – and then it showed up in your life without you ever trying to 'make it happen'.

Think of a time in your life when you REALLY wanted (or felt you needed) something and you tried to do everything to make it happen and then finally out of fatigue or frustration you just 'gave up trying' – and then it showed up in your life.

Once you have given yourself some proof from your past – letting go becomes easier and makes much more sense to your rational mind.
Any time you find yourself trying to figure out how you can 'make' something happen – stop and say this to your subconscious mind…

"Subconscious, I know you know EXACTLY how to bring me all of the right people, opportunities and situations to bring about [NAME YOUR DESIRE HERE] or better in my life – and I know that my job is to pay attention to the people and opportunities and situations that show up and listen to your guidance so that the inspired action I can take to assist you becomes clear."

Try it – you will be amazed at all of the amazing things that start to show up in your life!

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