Y o u r L i f e A n d D r e a m s R O Y M A T H E W S

Sunday, March 11, 2012

"Our life is the creation of our mind."

Most people keep thinking the same kind of thoughts, and visualize the same mental images in an unconscious automatic manner.
You can change the thoughts and images in your mind, which is equivalent to inserting a new software into the computer of the mind. As thoughts create events and circumstances, by changing the habitual thoughts, life's events and circumstances change too.

The ability of silencing the mind is the key to the switch of the mind, enabling us to turn it on and off as we wish. When we are able to switch it off at will, we experience serenity of mind, strength, confidence and happiness. When the mind and its thoughts are quiet, we are able to use the mind in a most effective way.

 At this stage, we become the boss of the mind.

Conquering the mind

A strong power of concentration makes it easier to free the mind from thoughts.
The mind is responsible for everything that happens. It is the creator of everything in the world. The world is dependent on the mind for its existence. When in deep sleep with no dreams, are you conscious of the world? Is someone in a swoon, conscious of the world? No, consciousness of the world happens only when the mind is active. In deep meditation, when the mind is quiet the world seems to disappear.

When you master your mind, you master your world. When you are able to silence the mind, you free yourself of negative habits and attitudes. Then the mind cannot influence the way you feel, your moods, and your behavior.
When you can silence the mind, at least for a while, you realize that you are not the mind.
While working towards this inner state, the mind usually suggests all kinds of reasons and excuses why it is better not to bring it under control. It wants to be free and roam wherever it likes. It believes that if it is silenced, life will cease to be. It cannot accept that life can go on without its incessant chatter and inner dialogues. It is false logic, as the mind cannot know what is beyond it. The moment it is silenced it does not participate in what happens after this silence. Then how can it experience a state in which it is absent? It cannot think about a state it has never experienced.

There is no vacuum in nature. When the mind is made quiet, something "new" steps in. It is the Universal Consciousness, Spirit, the creative power, your "inner I". You can call it whatever you want. It is a power that has always existed, and it is in us, it is us. It is our true Consciousness, which we have forgotten.

The Power of Thoughts

If you keep thinking about difficulties, fears and failure your life will mirror these thoughts. If you keep thinking about your current circumstances you will keep recreating them.
You can change your thoughts and choose the thoughts you want. This will change your life. You can right now start to think in a different way and paint new, beautiful, and positive images in your mind. You can refuse to look at the old pictures and scenes that fill your mind. You can look at the mental pictures of your choice, even if your actual circumstances are very different from these mental images.

You have a projection room in your mind, and you can choose which film to play. In the inner room of your mind, you can hang the pictures and paintings of your own choice. Does a feeling of power surge through you now, as you read these lines? You can master your life!

Thoughts are the inner strings that pull circumstances and situations. You can be the one pulling these strings and make your life happier and more satisfying. When you are the boss of your mind you have the power to improve your inner and emotional life, relationships and your material and financial status.

Some make a mediocre change; some go to the extreme.......Your ability, and how far you go is dependent on how free you are from being the slave of the mind and subject to its tyranny, and the extent of your ability to choose your thoughts and change the contents of your mind.

Becoming the boss of your mind enables you to think about what you want, when you want to. You stop being influenced by outside forces, and become a partner in the creation of your life.

When you rise above your mind, you will be able to recognize it as it is, a tool for your use.

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