Y o u r L i f e A n d D r e a m s R O Y M A T H E W S

Monday, February 20, 2012


There is a famous saying: "The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence."
At times, human beings are not satisfied with what they have. People seem to do well until, unfortunately, they experience a loss. Then, usually, they want to be better - to experience the "green grass." It's human nature to always want to be better, to have more. Isn't that what is meant by the phrase "dream big?" At times, dreaming big might be great; however, at other times one should be thankful for what one has.

Consider the story of the 85 year old grandmother taking her 5 year old grandson, Johnny, to the beach for the first time. She was so excited. She bought Johnny a brand new complete outfit for his first time at the beach: new cap, new swimsuit, new t-shirt, new shoes and a new sand bucket with a shovel.

They walked to the beach holding hands. As they got to the sand, Johnny said, "Grandma, because I can't swim I won't go near the water; so I'll just dig up the sand with my new shovel far from the sea."

However, Johnny had difficulty digging up the hard sand far from the water. Therefore, he said, "Grandma, this sand is too hard. Can I get close to the water where the sand is easier to dig?" Johnny quickly added, "But I promise I won't go in the water."

Hesitantly, the grandmother looked into Johnny's begging big eyes and said, "Okay, but promise you won't go in the water."

Johnny screamed with glee, "I promise." As he was close to the ocean he was having such a good time, digging and digging with ease in the soft sand. Unfortunately, a huge wave came on the shore and swallowed up little Johnny, taking him out to sea.

With her vigilant eyes, watching him from afar, his grandmother screamed, "Oh my God! Oh my God! Help me God!"

Just then, another huge wave thundered onto the beach from the ocean and "spit forth" little Johnny safely back on the shore.

Elated, the grandmother ran toward the boy and tightly hugged her 5 year old grandson. Wiping tears from her eyes she cried out as she looked toward the heavens, "Thank you God! Thank you so much!"

She then looked back down at her little sweet Johnny. She once again quickly looked back at the heavens and screamed, "Hey...Where's his new cap!?"

Life is full of people who are not satisfied and not thankful for what they have. Many times people are constantly dwelling on what they have lost, rather than being satisfied and thankful for what they still have left.
Again, "Be thankful for what you have, and set your goals for higher things." The world is full of many horrible things, as well as many wonderful things. Sometimes a person is constantly looking at the "horrible" things. However, my hopes are that they will be able to find the beauty in life. It's there - if you look for it!

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