How do you feel about abundance?
Maybe right this minute you don't feel much of anything - but take a moment to tune into your life as it stands today. Think about any debt you have, your income, the bills you have to pay each month, the things you wish you could do but don't yet have enough money to do them.
If thinking about these things doesn't bring up any heavy negative feelings, you probably have a pretty healthy "vibration" on the subject of money. That doesn't mean you don't want more, just that you're feeling "okay" about abundance overall.
But if thinking about these things made you feel heavy, depressed, frustrated, angry, or worried, there's a good chance you've got a strong negative vibration active when it comes to abundance, and that's a big clue that you're blocking more from coming in!
Are any of the following things true for you?
•You wonder why wealthy people are so lucky, and you are so unlucky!
•You can't see any simple way to improve your financial situation.
•You encounter setbacks and problems when you do try to improve it.
•You feel STUCK, and nothing you do outwardly seems to help.
These feelings are all powerful CLUES that you've got blockages against receiving more abundance. What's really happening is that you are OUT OF ALIGNMENT with money and abundance.
Have you ever driven a car that badly needed a front-end alignment? When you let go of the steering wheel for even a second, the car immediately veers sharply to the left or right. Driving a car like that requires a lot more effort because you are constantly trying to correct the car's tendency to veer off-track.
Being out of alignment vibrationally is very much like that.
You intend to move straight ahead to the the achievement of your goals, but because you aren't aligned you keep being yanked over in this direction or that direction, and you end up in places you don't want to be.
Believe it or not, it's not hard to correct a vibrational misalignment; it just takes some concentrated effort. You need to spend time each day deliberately bringing yourself into alignment with the essence of abundance. Here are a couple of good ideas for doing that:
1) Appreciate Abundance
When you don't have enough , it's easy to get into the habit of complaining about your situation. You moan and groan and tell everyone you know that things are so difficult for you - and you end up feeling really sorry for yourself. Breaking this habit is vital because the more you tell the universe that your situation is terrible, the more "terrible" you attract!
Start each morning by making a list of everything you appreciate about abundance. Why is abundance so good? What does it allow you to do? How would having plenty of money make you feel? Really get into the FEELING of appreciating money and all forms of abundance. Once you've done this as a concentrated exercise a few times, try carrying it into your daily life too.
Like when you are paying your bills, take a moment to appreciate that you have the money to pay them. When you receive money from any source, take a moment to be thankful and appreciative that you are receiving it. By doing so, you'll be telling the universe, "I like receiving money and I like having money to spend." - and the universe will start delivering more of that to you.
2) Eliminate Financial Negativity
If you often feel angry, stressed, or anxious about money, it's important to STOP associating those negative feelings with money. As challenging as it may be at first, start deliberately thinking more positive thoughts about your financial situation.
However, much more important than the actual words you say is the FEELING you focus on while you say them. The key is to replace heavy, negative feelings about money with lighter, more positive feelings about money. Those lighter, more positive feelings can be anything from hope to faith to optimism to trust - as long as they make you feel less weighed down, anxious or stressed, you are on the right track.
As you start changing how you FEEL about abundance each day, you start broadcasting a more positive "signal" and the universe starts sending experiences that match your new and improved signal.
Feel good about abundance = allow more abundance to flow in!
These suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg - there are literally dozens of things you can do to soothe yourself into feeling better about abundance. And that's really the whole key to "allowing" abundance - choose better thoughts, feel better, and your frequency rises and you allow more abundance to flow easily.
Your feelings really tell the whole story about what you are aligned with receiving in any given moment! The good news is that you have full control over what you think and how you feel. :-)
Today I deliberately find ways to feel good about abundance.